RE-BRANDINGCristelle & Co. is a Helsinki based lifestyle brand targeting contemporary women wanting to look and feel their best in professional and everyday setting.
GOALI was brought in to improve coherency in the troubled brand, to achieve the right brand image and enabling accelerated sales.We re-developed the brand concept, including strategic brand positioning and customer segmentation, tagline and total visual identity.
BRAND PROMISEThe brand needed to be more stylish in a contemporary and relaxed way, focusing more to style than trend, and more to style than age, and provide consistent collection with lasting wardrobe treasures – pieces you can combine from season to season.
TAGLINEThe tagline “Contemporary and Effortless Style” was created to communicate the brands new key messages. It also emphasizes the confidence you feel when you are comfortable in wearing the brand.
LABEL DESIGNA minimalistic and stylish label and packaging design was developed to represent the brand.
STYLE GUIDESVisual brand style guides, key look guides and precise Photography of Style guides were created to convey the new vision and the story to brief the marketing department and re-launch of the brand.
RESULTSWe provided new direction to the brand and changed the way the brand communicated with customers, improving the coherency of the brand message and resulted in successful re-launch with 42% sales growth.
BRAND CREATIONCUBE CO. is a Helsinki / Finland based private brand of Stockmann Department Stores targeting school-aged boys, offering easy-to-wear clothing and accessories.
IDEA TO STRATEGYWe created the brand to offer a more cool & relaxed brand for this often neglected target group. The goal was to establish CUBE CO. as a brand the boys themselves would desire and feel connected to. I created a brand identity to reflect attitude of the boys who are out-going, sporty and who know their way around, followed by a strategy to realize our goals.
LOGO DESIGNWe went thorough a naming process to find a name that would communicate the new attitude and look, that would be easy to pronounce and look cool on a t-shirt. Something that the boys could relate to. We landed on CUBE CO. I developed the tagline “Never Stay Still“ to convey the brands new wild and energetic attitude.
LOGO DESIGNI designed a complete visual identity including logo / wordmark, labels and packaging, and made branded style guides to communicate the brand.
BRAND LAUNCHAfter creating the visual identity, we helped to bridge it all together for the marketing department and to transfer the identity to launching of the brand. I sparked an idea of innovative launch video that boosted the web marketing launch with brand-right appeal, looks and tech-savvy attitude.
RESULTSWe sparked new business opportunity by creating the brand and making it major commercial hit from the start, growing 42% in just two years despite the market was in recession. We succeeded in establishing brand-right & authentic brand image with street-credibility and target customer appeal, with 20% steady growth year after year.